Diamond Valley Termite and Pest Control offer spider control services to homes and businesses throughout Melbourne including Doreen, Eltham, Greensborough, Epping, Diamond Creek, Doncaster, Hurstbridge & Whittlesea.
There are many different spiders that can be found in and around homes and gardens in Melbourne and regional Victoria. Whilst most are harmless and nothing more than a frightening nuisance, it’s the ones with their venomous bite that we worry about. In fact, Australia has some of the most venomous spiders in the world. Whilst the reports of life threatening spider bites is low, they nevertheless still exist and due care should be taken.
How to decide when to call a professional for a spider treatment?
Spiders can be a particular nuisance in the home. They are attracted to warm and dark small spaces like wall cracks, corners, air vents, and in the eaves of your home. Some species prefer to stay closer to the outdoors, weaving their webs in your garden or near your outside lighting. Most spiders are a nuisance primarily because of their webbing.
In general, spiders can be found in dark and secluded areas, both in your home and garden.
- Look for spider webs – the size and shape of spider web varies between species. Some are orb-shaped while others are funnel-shaped.
- Some spider species live in burrows rather than webs, while others are free-ranging and take refuge in crevices.
- Some species of spiders are attracted to moist environments. Check your basements, walls, sheds and other damp locations.
- Other species can be found in places such as attics, the junction of a wall, ceiling, closets and storage boxes.
- Spiders feed on other insects and prey on ants, flies, woodlice and other spiders, so where there is a plentiful supply of other insects, spiders will wait to find their next meal.
As the temperature drops in Autumn, spiders become more active, looking for a mate and come out of their hiding places. Towards the end of Autumn many die off but some hibernate until the following Spring.
Spider eggs are laid into a silken sac, on average about 100 eggs in each sac, which may be fixed to a surface, hidden in the web or carried by the female. Signs of the sacs fixed indoors indicate that soon spiders will multiply.
Ways to help prevent a spider infestation
- Vacuum regularly, high and low particularly sheltered spots such as beneath worktops, the rear of cupboards and under/behind large furniture.
- Remove noticeable webs on a regular basis.
- Fill in gaps in walls, around pipework and under doors to deter entry.
- Remove sheltering sites such as firewood piles, garden bags, compost piles and general clutter from your property.
- Deter all insects by using lighting in a way that is less attractive to the insects that spiders feed on.
Please feel free to contact us today to arrange a free quote or even just have a chat about your issue, we may be able to offer some helpful advice over the phone or by email.